Monday, July 13, 2009

Converting CDBI to DBIC (part 4): Why not CDBICompat?

This isn't the first time someone has tried to convert from one ORM to another. In fact, DBIC grew out of working with CDBI and needing something better. In the past, ORMs have usually been similar enough in their inner workings that a compatibility layer was enough. The userland could be migrated at some later date, if ever. The cost of the indirection would be nearly nothing.

DBIC, though, is different. So different that a compatibility layer obscures the whole purpose of converting from CDBI to DBIC. The very concept of resultsets breaks the mold. Like, shatters it, stomps all over it, and melts it in a vat of molten iron. The whole point of switching to DBIC is to get access to resultsets. CDBI's API has absolutely no facility to provide access to these features.

Second, you're stuck with CDBI's searching facilities. SQL::Abstract is extremely powerful. So powerful that several CDBI plugins were created to mimic its power. SQL::Abstract v2 will be even more powerful yet. But, CDBICompat cannot expose any of it.

And, worse yet, in order to accommodate the numerous abuses of CDBI that most people did in order to make it usable in larger applications, the compat layer ends up being about 20% slower than either raw DBIC or raw CDBI. In fact, the row object provided by CDBICompat is tied just to make sure things work.

It's the worst of both worlds - you're stuck with CDBI's API (the bad thing you're trying to escape) and a slowdown of your application's code. Given that you're usually trying to speed up your application and improve the ease of writing new features, this doesn't sound like a win.

Next up - the actual solution.

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