All pieces of software have one thing in common - they change over time. Whether it's a new feature, a bug report, or a feature that's implemented over 3 releases, these changes affect our baby in so many ways. Managing those changes is probably the most important thing a developer does.
Change is a problem because it introduces risk - risk of a bug. We all know what a bug is, but every change could introduce one. So, managing change is best done by reducing the risk of every change.
The only way to reduce risk is to reduce the scope of the risk. The biggest risk any change has is in how many workflows the change can potentially affect. So, you want to keep the scope of every line of code as tight as possible. Any change to any line in a scope (block, function, etc) has the same area of effect as every other line in the same scope. So, if one line of code in a function reference a global variable, then any change to any line in that function have the potential to affect that global variable.
This is sometimes called coupling, but I think that coupling isn't a strong enough concept. The best analogy is taint. Let's say we have global variable %BAD_IDEA. It's referenced in functions bad_foo() and bad_bar(). If any line in bad_foo() is changed, then every workflow that uses bad_foo() must be tested (duh!). But, every workflow that uses bad_bar() must also be tested. And, if bad_bar() uses another global variable, then every workflow that uses any function that uses that second global variable must also be tested. All from changing a line in bad_foo().
It becomes pretty obvious pretty quickly that global variables end up tainting whole swathes of code (and why global variables should be avoided at all costs). Next part is about objects and how they encourage the use of global variables.