Friday, June 26, 2009

Converting CDBI to DBIC (part 1): The context

For years, Class::DBI was the gold standard ORM in the Perl community, and for good reason. It was simple to deploy, easy to use, and, for the most part, dwim'ed. Oh, we Perlers love our dwimmery. If it doesn't dwim, then we get pissy.

Now, CDBI wasn't designed like Perl. Perl has always been built to make the hard things easy and the impossible merely hard. CDBI, on the other hand, was designed with the 80/20 rule in mind - make as many of the things most people do every day extremely easy. And, for everything else, there's always an easy way to get to use raw SQL. And this was, for most people, good enough. It easily supported rapid prototyping and small applications and, while slighly annoying on the edges, it worked.

But, as applications are wont to do, some of those applications grew up. They didn't stay small or fade away. The schemas grew from 5 or 10 tables to monstrosities of 250 tables or more, many having dozens of columns. The codebases weighed in at well over hundreds of thousands of lines of code. And, instead of building the code, the focus became maintenance. And, those things that were rare in the past became more common. Not relatively more common, but appeared more often. Instead of 3 or 4 dips into raw SQL, there were 90 or 100. And, wow, was scaling an issue.

Many ORMs were built to try and take its place. Lots of good work was done, but the gold standard has seemed to settle around to DBIx::Class, and for good reason. DBIC maintains that 80/20 design philosophy, but manages to marry it to the Perl philosophy of making hard things easy.

Unlike CDBI, DBIC uses SQL::Abstract for its SQL generation, meaning less dips into raw SQL. Scaling is saner because lessons were learned. Yet, all the really easy things are still really easy. Rapid prototyping is still rapid.

And, this is why we want to convert.

(Follow on in Part 2)

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